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How did u cope if u got pregant and u didnt expect it but ur dad was s...

4 года назад Jodiex 24г6м 42 Лимерик

How did u cope if u got pregant and u didnt expect it but ur dad was supportive but then starting hurnting ur feelings and not supporting me and stressing out so munch and hates the guy that is the father of the child and giving him bullshit 24 7 but u love him and want to still have a reltionship with him .but i just feel like im in a dark room and i dont know what side to take whenther to take parents and maybe be just ok or to take the person side that i love and to be truely happy i just feel that ill get judge and push away from my family if i go with the person i love and the father of my child is muslim but ive been with him for a year and a half but he doesnt seem very strict but he makes me really happy inside and i just dont know whos side to choose and i just dont where to turn becsuse my dad hates him because hes muslim and always saying negitive stuff about him and would not want be to be with him and be unhappy

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10г7м 9г5м 8г5м 7г6м 42
Listen to ur heart sometime u better take part of the one who love u had the same thing with my mother years ago and i take my partner who now is my husband we got away somewhere else now we are happy family u will be too
Ответить 4 года назад
24г6м 42
I just im afraid that if i go with person i love still my parents will fall out with me and i just want to be happy
Ответить 4 года назад
Well you have to take things easy Love yourself and always pray
Ответить 4 года назад
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