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Dear super mom's, please should a TTC woman continue to have sex after...

2 года назад Hubby's spec. 1г4м Лагос

Dear super mom's, please should a TTC woman continue to have sex after the exact ovulation day or one should take a break during DPO?

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5г6м 3г8м
A woman's fertile window is usually the 11th day to the 15tj day after her menstrual Cycle. Doctors advise that if you're trying to take in, you should have sex everyday on those days because you may not really be able to calculate when exactly your ovulation will be. For me, my Ovulation used to be on the 14th day after my menstrual Cycle and each time I want to conceive, I usually have sex I'm the 12th, 13th and 14th day. I'm presently pregnant with my 3rd baby and it's surprising that I had sex just once on the 11th day after my cycle and till after my fertile window closed, my husband and I didn't meet again. To my surprise, I conceived. This is why I said you may not really be able to determine when exactly you'll Ovulate. Just make sure you have sex everyday from the 11th day to 15th day.
Ответить 2 года назад
Hubby's spec.
Foluso , Alright ma'am, that means after the 15th day, one should take a break from sex till at least the next period?
Ответить 2 года назад
5г6м 3г8м
You can go on and on if you want to. If you have the strength of having sex everyday, you can, but if you don't, you can be taking a break at intervals of few days depending on the mood and sexual drive.
Ответить 2 года назад
Hubby's spec.
Foluso , Alright ma'am, I'm grateful 🤗
Ответить 2 года назад
5г6м 3г8м
You're most welcome. Looking forward to hear your good news soon.😊
Ответить 2 года назад
Hubby's spec.
I claim it in good faith, thank you.
Ответить 2 года назад
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