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I saw my period August... I did urine test first week of last month. I...

4 года назад Amitaye Варри

I saw my period August... I did urine test first week of last month. It shows faint line ND the other line... But after I did another urine test. The line was so fade dat I could hardly see... So I don't know what's happening..... Please I'm I still pregnant

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I saw my period October 9 on the 23 I did urine test it was two line on November 4 my period start again
Ответить 4 года назад
Marian , Does it means I'm still pregnant cuz I don't understand
Ответить 4 года назад
It depends on when you took the test. you might have drank water and it diluted your urine. test with early morning urine
Ответить 4 года назад
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