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Good morning mummies pls answer me I tested positive 7 days ago with p...

3 года назад IyeGold Кадуна

Good morning mummies pls answer me I tested positive 7 days ago with pt yesterday I went for blood test d blood test say negative am confused what do I do pls

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If you have not experienced bleeding since then,I suggest you wait two weeks before you do the blood test again
Ответить 3 года назад
I hv not experience bleeding. Ok thank u
Ответить 3 года назад
IyeGold , My dear, just be taking ur rest and folic acid, and keep only positive vibes please.
Ответить 3 года назад
9г0м 3г7м 42
Sometimes you have a false positive from strip due to some reasons e.g you did it wrongly, read your test late i.e past the time you are supposed to and mistaken an evaporation line for a positive, used a soon expiring strip for your test. But i advice you go for a scan. If truly you are preggy it will definitely show in there. Good luck to you
Ответить 3 года назад
Aisha , Some scan don't see early pregnancy oooo She maybe pregnant and Scan will not see it, it has happened to my elder sister before
Ответить 3 года назад
9г0м 3г7м 42
Jenny , She should look for a 3d or 4d scan nd check. She can also retry the blood test
Ответить 3 года назад
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