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Hello house,Pls I need ur help am 7weeks nd some days now and am havin...

4 года назад Temi 3г8м 3г8м 3г8м Лагос

Hello house,Pls I need ur help am 7weeks nd some days now and am having typhoid some drug have been administer to me I want to be sure if my baby is safe

Комментариев Комментариев: 3
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From who is it from the doctor If yes u can take it but if is not from the doctor pls dont. Try and see the doctor and complian to him or her the way u are feeling it might not be typhoid but the preganancy
Ответить 4 года назад
If its from d doctor, ur baby is safe
Ответить 4 года назад
Esohe Favour
Quine tablet is good for you and your baby if it's the yellow one two par day but if it's the white it's one per day
Ответить 4 года назад
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