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Good evening mommies, Please I need a quick responses, I noticed a pin...

4 года назад Christlike Глазго

Good evening mommies, Please I need a quick responses, I noticed a pink blood stain on 1st November which lasted for 3days it wasn't heavy just stain and on the 6th November I missed my period. Since then I've not seen my period and I used the PT and it showed negative and I've little white discharge of liquid from my breast, loss of appetite to eat. Please I want to know what it means and I can't see a doctor because of lockdown. Does anyone had such experience because I'm worried here.

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Take another PT, white discharge from breasts happened to me when I wasn't pregnant, its hormones cleaning the nipple (so I was told). A PT would be accurate at this point
Ответить 4 года назад
Is the unbalance of hormones cozs the breast discharge pls go and see ur doctor very important with that pregnant won't stay and ur period we be misbehaving .
Ответить 4 года назад
Same here I hv miss my period too but pt keep saying negative but nothing is coming out of my breast. But I feel pregnancy symptoms
Ответить 4 года назад
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