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I have abdominal pains and im almost 5 months pregnant is it normal

3 года назад Unarine 3г7м 42 Соуэто

I have abdominal pains and im almost 5 months pregnant is it normal

Комментариев Комментариев: 6
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Please do rest, and also see your doctor to know what the issue is
Ответить 3 года назад
See your doctor please
Ответить 3 года назад
3г11м 3г11м 42
Try not to stress And talk to your doctor
Ответить 3 года назад
Yes its normal, the something happened to me,ran to the doctor gold told the baby is stretching and uterus and shaping the ligaments
Ответить 3 года назад
Hi Unarine. if it comes and goes when you're too busy or on your feet too much, or even carry heavy objects, it's normal. but if it's a tormenting pain that comes too frequently rather see your doctor
Ответить 3 года назад
3г7м 42
Thank you so much
Ответить 3 года назад
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