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Pls, I'm feeling itching on my body. What could be the cause and what ...

3 года назад Isioma.N 42 Асаба

Pls, I'm feeling itching on my body. What could be the cause and what can I use to stop it. I'm in my third trimester.

Комментариев Комментариев: 4
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I think you should see your doctor
Ответить 3 года назад
3г11м 3г11м 42
See a doctor please
Ответить 3 года назад
hi Isioma. I'm in my third trimester too. is itching is caused by the growth of the baby, which causes your skin to stretch. me sure to moisturize your body with tissue oil or a nice healthy cream. And keep a good hygiene, try to take both hot and cold showers or baths more than once a day, at least
Ответить 3 года назад
Thank you all
Ответить 3 года назад
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