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Pls is anybody a mom who stays around alimosho I need a recommendation...

4 года назад Victoria 42 Лагос

Pls is anybody a mom who stays around alimosho I need a recommendation on best hospital for antenatal and birth if possible specialist maternity am a first time money 😀last year I went to this most sweetness,amazing journey of pregnancy😊 my baby was the best gift ever God has given me 😄always kicking at the right time ❤ everything about the boy was perfect😍 not until I registered in this 2hospitals with high money the collect from my husband the 1st hospital was WINSLOW by name in shagari they lack maintenance despite being big outside I use them for 4month but I had to change they over manage up to gloves 😂 despite the huge money they takes plus am the only one going for antenatal 🥺sad right 😥i change to ST CATHOLIC HOSPITAL IN GATE the doctors is with so much pride but at this time my husband shout at me that I should be contented 🥴i was seeing water heavy one my husband call him the only thing he could say in front of me was the only option is CS I was over scared and told him the water has stopped though they admit me to see for their selves 🥶in a nutshell I was in the hospital for 3days no doctor to attend to me then I asked for a discharge😓😓i gave birth 4days after that twas another doctor entirely he knows nothing about my record,my husband called the ones I used to see he bang calls on him 🤬🤮my HANDSOME BIG BABY BOY CAME OUT DISTRESS INSTEAD OF ALLOWING HIM CONNECT WITH HIS CORD IMMEDIATELY THE DOCTOR CUT THE CORD STARTED PRESSURIZING THE BABY WITH A LOT OF BEATING🥶HE COULD NOT REVIVE HIM I ALSO USE ADULT OXYGEN FOR A DAY BABY 🥺WHAT A LIFE THAT WAS HOW I LOST MY PRECIOUS EXCEL AFTER THEN HE STARTED BEATING ME THAT I DIDN'T LET HIM DO THE STUTURING WELL I SENT ME TO COMA THEY STILL CHARGE MY HUSBAND HUGE SUM OF 130K WITHOUT COMING BACK WITH ANYTHING BUT GOD OF EVERYONE,THE LIVING GOD REMEMBER ME SO QUICK AND AM 2WEEKS GONE NOW PLS I DON'T WANT THE SAME MISTAKES TO HAPPEN AGAIN I NEED TO SMILE AND GIVE BIRTH LIKE AND HEBREW WOMAN THIS YEAR🙏🙏AND TO ALL EXPECTANT MUM GOD WILL MAKE THE JOURNEY EASY FOR US BOTH MOTHER AND CHILD WILL REJOICE AMEN🙏🙏

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Sorry what a pathetic story well am not in Lagos though but why not use federal medical centre or their teaching hospital dont go for private again wish you safe delivery in this pregancy
Ответить 4 года назад
I advice you to use teaching hospital this time
Ответить 4 года назад
Amen thanks ma'am
Ответить 4 года назад
Good suggestion from everyone.... Try and register in Federal or state.... Mine is military hospital
Ответить 4 года назад
Sorry for your loss,God is giving you double this time, but try and change to federal hospital or state hospital and back it up with prayers.it is well with you.
Ответить 4 года назад
Ответить 4 года назад
Affliction shall not rise again. As u have been told use government hospital.
Ответить 4 года назад
There is general hospital at alimosho before u get to igando I don't know if u live close to that place..that is where I'm planning to go and register too. Sorry for ur lost. This one will stay with u by jah willing
Ответить 4 года назад
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