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hello mommies.i am 21 weeks gone but I have a severe backache, what ca...

4 года назад tebogo 42 Полокване

hello mommies.i am 21 weeks gone but I have a severe backache, what can I use to ease the pain n what may be the cause?

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Inform ur DC to run test on you...might be malaria or Thyphoid...i was having headache for complete 5 days and paractamol was not helping me..until i ran test and it was Malaria.
Ответить 4 года назад
is normal because of the weight of the baby that ls why you are feeling backache take enough rest if it persist see your doctor
Ответить 4 года назад
It the weight of ur baby ,and it very normal u can try supporting ur back with pillow whenever u lie down , am having d same feelings too
Ответить 4 года назад
The weight of the baby is at work. Is normal but if unbearable, see your doctor
Ответить 4 года назад
Try a heating pad or back stretches for backaches.
Ответить 4 года назад
See ur doctor if paracetamol is not helping
Ответить 4 года назад
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