Hello mommies to be, i would like to know when(at how many months) can...
4 года назадLerato Patience42Полокване
Hello mommies to be, i would like to know when(at how many months) can the heartbeat of baby be heard.? I went to the clinic and the nurse says is too early according to my weeks pregnant but yet she heard it...
I'm 26 weeks
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26 weeks is not too early o, you should have be hearing your baby kicking by your self now, except if you use to work or stay in a lousy area, you may pick it in time but when you are in a cool place maybe in the night or early in the morning at home you should be able to hear it urself
I do feel the movements almost everyday . I went to the doctor on the 13th of January n scan showed tht I'm 22 weeks, which correspond very well with me being 26 weeks now... I was just surprised when she said my baby is bigger than 26 weeks.. Lol maybe it's twins 😂💗