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Hello moms, I'm 4 months gone and I'm really down with malaria...can't...

4 года назад Helen 42 Калабар

Hello moms, I'm 4 months gone and I'm really down with malaria...can't afford the hospital yet...please what malaria treatment were you given. Please help.

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Plzz try and use any government hospital around at least is affordable don't use self medications is very risky for d baby
Ответить 4 года назад
Register in a government hospital. self medication is bad and ur body maybe different from the other person's body
Ответить 4 года назад
Please visit the hospital ASAP. Malaria in pregnancy might harm the baby. And please self medication isn't a good practice.
Ответить 4 года назад
My dear I won't advice you to self medicate. Remember no amount of money can you your baby's health and your health too. I was given a malaria drug in my last hospital visit and it wasn't that expensive, Visit a hospital and follow their prescription
Ответить 4 года назад
Were exactly are you in Calabar or give me ur number
Ответить 4 года назад
Go to health center or general hospital
Ответить 4 года назад
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