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Hi moms, I would like to ask. I am a first time mom and I want to know...

3 года назад Ingrid 42 Претория

Hi moms, I would like to ask. I am a first time mom and I want to know how does it feel when your baby moves,what do I have to expect?please assist me

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Is an experience that cannot be said but definitely you will feel the movement inside you as from18-22weeks congratulations first time mum
Ответить 3 года назад
You might feel bubbles in your stomach or you might as if someone is tinkling you too. It comes in an unexplainable way sha
Ответить 3 года назад
6г5м 42
,just like gas in ur belly
Ответить 3 года назад
I thought it felt like butterflies at first but around 20 - 24 weeks it was definitely strong enough for me to realize it was the baby kicking . My fiance felt the first outside kick at 20 weeks but everyone is different
Ответить 3 года назад
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