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Good evening mummy's... I need your help. I have a problem with taking...

3 года назад Pontsho 7г7м 42 Тзанеен

Good evening mummy's... I need your help. I have a problem with taking my gulf ferrous sulphate compound tables and every time I force them I vomit so badly and get so sick. Now am worried because at the clinic the nurse said my blood is low... What other options can I use for my blood level to be on a good level.

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Check on the types of food that you can consume that can help with boosting your blood, but don't stop on taking the pills, they made me sick at 1st too.. I just changed on the times I take them, I take them later on.
Ответить 3 года назад
7г7м 42
Rachie , Thanks dear I will do soo
Ответить 3 года назад
9г6м 7г7м 42
beetroot is the best
Ответить 3 года назад
7г7м 42
Thanks dear
Ответить 3 года назад
Is ferrous same as fesolate? If not try fesolate; that's what I take
Ответить 3 года назад
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