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So from the date of my last period they put me at 5 weeks 4 days.. I’v...

3 года назад shawna 42 Джефферсон-Сити

So from the date of my last period they put me at 5 weeks 4 days.. I’ve been having pain In my left side and mild cramping.. with severe dizziness.. my hcg level is at 717. But when they did the sonogram they told me they saw nothing should I be concerned also they said I have a small cyst on my left side.. could I be having a tubal pregnancy or miscarriage?

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Repeat ultrasound after week
Ответить 3 года назад
Its way too still early mommy,me too at 5 weeks i experianced abdominal mild cramps n i had my doudts that i wasnt preg,it takes time and the feutus hides its self,Pregnancy test failed me many time by saying negative but my baby is growing day by day.Gods creation🥰❤️&miracle😇🙏with Him everything is possible
Ответить 3 года назад
You need to repeat the ultrasound later. Is too early to conclude on anything
Ответить 3 года назад
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