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Hy mommies if they booked c-section for you at a hospital and they giv...

3 года назад ❤Bongiwe❤ 42 Блумфонтейн

Hy mommies if they booked c-section for you at a hospital and they give you a particular date to go there does it mean you are going to give birth??

Комментариев Комментариев: 4
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Yes sweetie... thats the day ull meet your bundle of joy
Ответить 3 года назад
Palesa☆ , Okay thank you mommy❤😘
Ответить 3 года назад
Eish, I just found out that my Gynae also booked for Caesar also and wanted to gave birth natural this time
Ответить 3 года назад
Mariah , Eix I also wanted natural birth but due to my shortness I can't😪
Ответить 3 года назад
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