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Hello moms,is it normal for a baby to spend the whole day not making a...

3 года назад Juliet 42 Дурбан

Hello moms,is it normal for a baby to spend the whole day not making any movements,if no what can be the cause of that

Комментариев Комментариев: 3
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Any idea pls
Ответить 3 года назад
You will need to consult your Dr and go for Ultrasound to be sure of the baby's normal heartbeat.
Ответить 3 года назад
It is possible that there was a movement which you didn't notice. It is not every thing that you worry about. From your profile here you are 22wks and some mummies don't feel any movement at all during this stage because the movement is still slight
Ответить 3 года назад
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