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Hy super moms i am 29 weeks i came from anc visit and the nurse told m...

3 года назад Bendalo 3г7м Мбомбела

Hy super moms i am 29 weeks i came from anc visit and the nurse told me that the baby is not growing well what can i do to boost my baby?

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Yena she didn't recommend something?
Ответить 3 года назад
Snethemba , She only said i should eat healthy food
Ответить 3 года назад
You are supposed to ask the nurse because she is the one that know the actual problem of the baby
Ответить 3 года назад
Sarah , True Sarah
Ответить 3 года назад
I also agree that she could have told you what to do, because I know that sometimes you were just shocked and don't know what to say. And eating healthy for a pregnant woman can be sometimes impossible as we crave all sorts of unhealthy junk foods... But I believe that if you take your supplements and drink lots of water you will deliver a healthy baby...
Ответить 3 года назад
12г8м 11г5м 5г4м 42
I would take a lot of vitamins but mostly I eat a lot of pasta and bread and stayed away from acid foods and fruit so that way it don’t break the food down faster and chance to stick in your body good luck
Ответить 3 года назад
Iam using preg omega plus, recommended by my doctor. It's R227 at clicks. My baby is growing so good.
Ответить 3 года назад
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