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have not seen my mensuration for d past 3, months and am not pregnant ...

3 года назад Akunna Оверри

have not seen my mensuration for d past 3, months and am not pregnant what should be d course?

Комментариев Комментариев: 3
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Its hormonal issues..try and see.a gyne
Ответить 3 года назад
3г1м 3г1м 42
Drink Anmum
Ответить 3 года назад
Didn't see mine for 5months now but i did test and found out that am pregnant,also didn't expirience anything until i felt movements inside my belly then did test came out positive now is it possible that there's nothing wrong with the baby? coz o feel nothing except movements.......
Ответить 1 год назад
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