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Y’all I have a very huge baby and he’s 5 months. His doctors aren’t wo...

3 года назад Shay Smoochez 3г6м 12г11м 12г11м Джэксонвилл
  • Y’all I have a very huge baby and he’s 5 months. His doctors aren’t wo...

Y’all I have a very huge baby and he’s 5 months. His doctors aren’t worried about his weight, however, my family is. I started him on breast milk and I recently stopped (his peggies are coming through the bottom). Should I be worried about his weight?

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3г11м 3г11м 42
Since the doctors think he's ok then he's ok
Ответить 3 года назад
If his doctor doesn’t have a problem with his weight then there’s not a thing you should be worried about
Ответить 2 года назад
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