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Hello to everyone, please I can't sleep at this stage at five months. ...

1 год назад Sarah Фритаун

Hello to everyone, please I can't sleep at this stage at five months. Is it good for me to take sleeping pills? Please help, it's beginning to affect my health also

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Hello. Well, as far as I know, sleeping pills are not allowed for pregnant women! in general, with any medicine, it is better to ask the doctor 100 times ... Try walking more, especially in the woods or in the park.. First of all, you will breathe in fresh air, and secondly you will get tired…
Ответить 1 год назад
Lyaisan , Hello ma'am, I do that yesterday but with all the tiredness when I get to bed the sleep disappear. 😔😔
Ответить 1 год назад
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Sarah , Perhaps you have some fears or worries… Try to watch some kind movie that leaves a pleasant feeling.. May the Almighty grant you well-being, health, pleasant positive thoughts and good dreams!❤️🙏🏼
Ответить 1 год назад
Lyaisan , Amen, thank you so much. Really appreciate the kindness
Ответить 1 год назад
29г4м 16г0м 5г5м 3г7м 11м1н
Lyaisan , ❤️😍😘
Ответить 1 год назад
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