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Hallo I'm 13 weeks nd my babe is not moving should I be worried? When ...

1 год назад Cynthia 42 Йоханнесбург

Hallo I'm 13 weeks nd my babe is not moving should I be worried? When was the babe should start moving around?

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Katy Smile
15г10м 1г4м
Hi! Just after 16-20 weeks.
Ответить 1 год назад
29г4м 16г0м 5г5м 3г7м 11м1н
Hello! in fact, he is already dancing with might and main!)) it's just that if this is your first pregnancy, then you are closer to 20 weeks, or a little later you may feel a stirring…🌻
Ответить 1 год назад
Ok but is not my 1st pregnancy is the 2nd one
Ответить 1 год назад
29г4м 16г0м 5г5м 3г7м 11м1н
Cynthia , I felt the second child when I was 13 weeks pregnant..And the third and fourth - closer to 20 weeks.. Everything is individual.
Ответить 1 год назад
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