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I last saw my period on the 3rd of this month January it last for 4 da...

1 год назад Yvonne Абуджа

I last saw my period on the 3rd of this month January it last for 4 days and I had sex with my partner on the 11day of my cycle 3days to ovulation and i used the ovulation strip to run some test on the 12day it was positive on the ovulation strip pls and have been having sore breast, light cramps, backaches and headache pls is it possible that am pregnant

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29г4м 16г0м 5г5м 3г7м 11м1н
Hello! Not a fact.. such symptoms can also occur during menstruation. I notice when the nipples become very sensitive, and I often want to pee.. but the test can show you before these symptoms.. I wish you a desirable pregnancy!❤️🙏🏼
Ответить 1 год назад
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